
This watch is enough range children

According to million watch world Xiaobian observation, pay attention to watch in daily life with far more than how to watch people look good. But if you do not even know how to shoot a table in such an era when you have cup of tea, how do you mix it up on social networking sites? Put others said that you can not let go, let people say you installed. Or learn how to shoot under Europe and the United States now!

In order to make this article Unisex kill, Xiaobian deliberately got a male form and a female form as an example. Look at the goddess how to shoot good Cartier, but also take the opportunity to enjoy the handsome how to shoot RM type.

Cartier watch the focus is not on the wrist, the lens behind the watch a little more feminine.

Bags, scarves, nail polish, cut into these trinkets, so that watches look more viable.

As can be seen from the figure above, the female side profile or part of the body will add charm to your watch.

First come to look down from the top of the screen, another side to sit posture.

Focused, the focus will be fixed in the wrist part also has a masculine beauty.

If you have a cigar, it is recommended to come out with your watch. Not only because the cigar itself is a symbol of taste, it is important that you "load" a variety of different effects. Crossed the index finger and middle finger cigar, put cigar-like, smoking cigars, each action can enhance the watch forced.

Of course, you do not have to go into battle at all times, you can also use other small objects off your table. Mobile phones, cigars, etc. can, the key to see how you layout.

Here also posted a negative example, this posture ... Xiaobian really feel that the picture is too rigid, I can not see. (Text / million watch world Fuxue Ting)

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