
How many overnight dishes and pickles can cause cancer?

When we talk about nitrite, we always have to frown and shake our heads and say, oh, it's a "bad boy". Because I do not know when, nitrite and "carcinogenic", "excessive" and other words tied up. I believe we often hear such remarks. The overnight dish cannot be eaten. If you eat it, it will poison you and cause cancer! Pickle can not eat, it will cause cancer! Thousands of boiling water can not drink, can cause cancer!

Every time I see such a title, I can't help but think of the maiden. This sei ah, she started to run away! Why do you not add the above attribute, "long-term, large-scale"? ! Although nitrite is not a "safflower juvenile", it is not reported as "abuse". Below, let's take a look at those "nitrites" that have been misunderstood for years, and feel what the world has to say about Asia. Nitrites are full of malicious.

Misunderstood one: The overnight dish cannot be eaten. The nitrite exceeds the standard, and eating can cause cancer!

Truth: 56kg overnight to eat vegetables to poison, eat 1kg overnight fried vegetables for N years, may cause cancer.

The saying that “an overnight dish will be cancerous” seems to be deeply rooted in the hearts of people. For many people who are seeking truth and being pragmatic, they have indeed done experiments to verify it.

For example, there was a very hot experiment about "nitrite exceeding standard" in overnight dishes. Researchers from the Department of Food Science and Nutritional Laboratory of Zhejiang University will use four types of cooked vegetables: stir-fried greens, leek scrambled eggs, stewed pork and braised squid. After 24 hours of storage in the refrigerator, the nitrite content was detected to be 5.36, 5.64, 5.52, and 7.23 mg per kilogram respectively, all exceeding the limit standard for the "Contaminant Limit Standard for Foods". Since then, "overnight vegetable nitrite exceeded" added a credible iron card!

Bart, in this report, the standards cited first have problems. In this standard, vegetables do not exceed 4 milligrams per kilogram, and meat does not exceed 3 milligrams per kilogram. This refers to the nitrite content of fresh vegetables and meat. If this criterion is exceeded, the raw material has been contaminated, and Eating hazards is not the same thing.

Second, the state does not have regulations on the amount of nitrite residues in cooking. Therefore, there is no overstatement. If you must find a standard for reference, the choice of nitrite content in processed foods is more appropriate, because processed foods and cooking are directly consumed. In national standards, the residue of sodium nitrite in cooked meat products is no more than 30mg/kg, while the residue standard in pickled vegetables is no more than 20mg/kg. The nitrite content detected by overnight vegetables is far below this standard. Since the cooked meat products can be eaten, why does it not work well with overnight dishes?

Finally, how much nitrite must be eaten in an overnight meal? The WHO ADI for nitrite (adjusted daily intake of the human body) is 0-0.07 mg/kg bw, that is to say, for an adult weighing 60 kg, the daily intake should not exceed 60*0.07=4.2 mg. Nitrate, there is no security risk. If Zhejiang University's test is accurate, then eat nearly 1 kilogram of overnight (24h) fried vegetables, and is to eat so many fried vegetables overnight, for N years, it may cause cancer. The dose of nitrite poisoning in humans is 0.3-0.5g. To eat 56kg of overnight fried vegetables to poison. Even so, you can't eat overnight food every day! ! Occasionally eat once worry about ~

Misunderstanding 2: pickles can not eat, there are nitrite, eat it will cause cancer!

Truth: The nitrite content is very low after 20 days of salting with pickled vegetables. It is only possible to eat 15kg of pickled vegetables at a time for nitrite poisoning. Eating 1kg of pickles every day for N years may cause cancer. Hey, think about salty ~

When I was young, every time my dad made shreds of pork in the snow, the dish would never be left. It is because of the existence of this dish that I feel that my life is complete. Later, Dad didn't cook this dish anymore. I actually told me that there is nitrite in it that can cause cancer!

It is undeniable that there is indeed nitrite in pickles. This is because the nitrates contained in the vegetables themselves during the salting process are converted into nitrites by the action of nitrate reductase in bacteria. However, pickles are the peak of nitrite content only during the 3-8 days of pickling, and then gradually decrease, and the nitrite content is very low after 20 days.

Most pickles on the market do not exceed nitrite standards. At present, the residue standard in the pickled vegetables prescribed in the national standard is no more than 20mg/kg, and 11 pickles and pickles samples purchased through the vegetable market, large fresh food market, and supermarkets are reported by the Beijing News reporter. , Including pickled mustard, pickled melon, pickled mustard, etc., sent to the authorities for testing. The test results showed that nitrite was detected in all 11 samples, of which 10 were from 1.3 mg/kg to 4.0 mg/kg and only one to 14 mg/kg. However, they did not exceed the standard. However, there are still people who need to be vigilant to pick up and sell pickles that have not been cured for a long time.

So, how many pickles to eat will cause poisoning and cancer? We also follow the above algorithm, and finally get nitrite poisoning when eating at least 15kg of pickled vegetables. Eating 1kg of pickles every day for N years can cause cancer.

Misconception 3: Repeated boiled water (thousands of boiling water) can not drink, there are nitrite, drink it will cause cancer!

Truth: Drink 2 litres of water boiled 52 times a day, and it is possible to have a carcinogenic risk for up to N years, or to drink 130L of water and boil 52 times to poison!

Thousands of boiling water is the water that boiled overnight or for a long time on the stove (however, is it boiling on the stove overnight, there is still water?), and the water boiled repeatedly in the electric water heater. It is said that there is a large amount of nitrite in the boiling water, and drinking can cause cancer. However, is the truth?

Water does contain some nitrates, because nitrates and nitrites in surface water may slowly penetrate into groundwater. But if you want to poison, wake up

In 2007, the Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a study on this issue. After repeated heating of bottled water in the drinking fountains, it was found that with the increase in the number of heating, the nitrite content did increase, after 52 repeated heatings. The nitrite content in water was 2.3 μg/L. China's "Sanitary Standard for Drinking Water" (GB5749-2006) stipulates that the nitrite content should not exceed 1 mg/L. In other words, drink 2 litres of water boiled 52 times a day, and you may have a cancer risk for up to N years, or drink 130 liters of water and boil 52 times to poison!

To sum up, there are two main categories:

1, eat vegetables, bacon and other meat products poisoning

The most common nitrite poisoning is meat poisoning. why? The first thing to know is that nitrite is a meat product additive allowed by the national standard. The addition of nitrite to meat products (preserved brine meat) not only inhibits Clostridium botulinum (The produced botulinum toxin is highly toxic. If, for example, one gram of botulinum toxin is divided into 1 million servings, it is only necessary to eat it. One of them, people will immediately grow and reproduce, but also as a meat coloring agent, so that the color of the meat is even more beautiful. However, private workshops are often not used in doses, leading to poisoning incidents.

2, eat poisoning

The appearance of sodium nitrite is very similar to that of salt. Some families or canteens use nitrite to marinate the meat. In some cases, nitrite can be used as salt, sugar, or even monosodium glutamate to cause poisoning.

Finally, to sum up, eating overnight vegetables, pickles, and drinking repeatedly boiled water is not so easy to poison. The "bad reputation" of the nitrites is mainly because people do not use them rationally. Of course, if you want to die in style, you can try thousands of boiling water every day with overnight dishes, pickles on pickles, sour

This article is NetEase health original, welcome to reprint! When reprinting, please be sure to specify the following text: Reprinted from NetEase Health "Stop rumors"

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