
Food must-see: Eat more food that makes people crazy

The temptation of food is unstoppable, but many foods can have a detrimental effect on the body when they are brought to people. Let's take a look today.

1. Cake - must be fat

Food is divided into dense and non-intensive foods. Apart from fruits and vegetables that are not intensive, other foods, such as meat, milk and grains, are intensive foods.

The food matching method is that we can use only one kind of dense food to match the vegetables in the same meal. Cakes containing large amounts of protein and starchy substances are all dense foods, and they must gain weight when they eat.

2. Kimchi promotes premature aging

When salting fish, meat, vegetables and other foods, it is easy to convert the added salt into nitrite. Under the catalytic action of enzymes in the body, it can easily react with various substances in the body to produce carcinogens of imines. More susceptible to cancer and promote premature aging.

3. Deep-fried seafood promotes aging

Peroxide lipids are peroxides of unsaturated fatty acids. For example, edible oils such as fish, shrimp, and meat are fried. When they are left for a long time, peroxidized lipids are formed; dried fish, bacon, etc. that have been exposed to the sun for a long time; biscuits, pastries, oil tea noodles, oils, etc. In particular, fats and oils that are prone to produce hazel flavors are produced. After the oil is rancid, it produces peroxy lipids.

The researchers found that when peroxy lipids enter the human body, they will have a great destructive effect on the body's acid system and vitamins, and accelerate the aging process.

4. Chocolate will make you sick

No matter what kind of chocolate it is, it belongs to high-calorie, high-sugar and high-fat foods, and it can't be matched with sodas or drinks such as fruit juices.

It is a good choice to have a cup of hot tea when you eat chocolate. Tea can absorb the oil inside the chocolate and reduce the probability of food accumulation.

5. Kelp causes skin melanin deposition

Kelp has a certain medicinal value, because there is a lot of iodine in kelp, excessive intake of iodine can cause serious skin melanin deposition, and then there are speckle spots on the horror!

6. Orange will cause yellow skin

Sweet and sour oranges, many people think that after eating to eat to help digestion, but do not know that oranges also contain a lot of carotene, if you eat too much or the recent continuous intake of excessive levels of carotenoids in the blood Will cause yellowing of the skin.

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