
5 nutritional recipes "save" gynecological diseases

Do not talk about gynecological diseases and change the color, the pace of life of modern people to speed up, the body's physical decline, it is very easy to lead to gynecological diseases. Do not be afraid to give birth to gynecological diseases and avoid medical treatment. Apart from actively cooperating with doctors, we must also find the most suitable therapeutic method for ourselves.

1, celery black fungus head lean lean meat: for excessive leucorrhea, irregular menstruation

Ingredients: 300 grams of celery, 20 grams of black fungus, 400 grams of lean meat, 3 slices of ginger.

Method: Put the head of celery and ginger into the corrugated pan, add 2,000 ml of clear water (8 bowls), steam over the simmer for 40 minutes, then add black fungus and lean meat. After about 30 minutes, transfer the appropriate amount of salt. Can be. This amount can be used by 3 to 4 people.

Effect: There is a lot of leucorrhea, irregular menstruation has improved greatly, the calcium and iron content of celery are 25 times higher than tomatoes.

2, jujube motherwort soup: improve irregular menstruation

Ingredients: 20 jujube, Motherwort 10 grams, brown sugar 10 grams,

Practice: Add the above ingredients to the water and stew the soup. Each morning and evening will be 1 time.

Effect: With the improvement of living conditions, many women's irregular menstruation is not caused by the body's "virtual", in particular, some of the more obese women are more prone to menstrual irregularities, TCM syndrome belongs to "phlegm", and jujube motherwort Soup can effectively improve the symptoms of irregular menstruation.

3, kelp ribs soup: prevention of breast hyperplasia

Ingredients: ribs, dried kelp knot, white radish, ginger, cooking wine, salt

Practice: fly ribs, the bubble will be made of kelp epilation ribs into the casserole seasoning stew

Effect: There is a lot of iodine in kelp, which can stimulate the secretion of luteinizing hormone in the anterior pituitary, promote luteinization of ovarian follicles, and lower estrogen levels in the body. Therefore, regular consumption of kelp helps prevent and treat breast hyperplasia.

4, garlic burst shrimp: reduce the probability of ovarian cancer

Ingredients: some garlic, half a catty shrimp, onion ginger ingredients

Practice: Garlic reached garlic, clean the shrimp, add oil, garlic fragrant, add fresh shrimp stir fry.

Effects: Women who take adequate amounts of calcium are 54% less likely to develop ovarian cancer than people who take less calcium. Garlic is rich in allicin, allicin and other substances, and has a strong bactericidal effect, inhibiting Candida albicans Overgrowth and reproduction in the vagina.

5, miscellaneous grains milk: regulate endocrine, prevent breast hyperplasia

Ingredients: black beans, soybeans, cereal

Practice: Add the above three kinds of ingredients to the soya-bean milk machine, beat it into milk, and add honey when eating.

Effect: The isoflavones contained in soybeans are an estrogen-like substance that can compensate for the lack of estrogen in the body. Can effectively regulate the endocrine function, to promote the return of normal levels of estrogen, and whole wheat foods can effectively prevent breast hyperplasia.

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