
Who should not eat the nutritional efficacy and effects of soybeans and soybeans?

The soymilk that is usually consumed is ground soybeans. Tofu is also made from soybeans. Soymilk and tofu are foods that are usually recommended for consumption. Since ancient times, there have been soymilk and tofu foods that can be circulated so far. Because the ingredients are abundant and easy to grow, they are widely cultivated around the world.


Soybean is one of the most important food crops in our country. Apart from being able to make soy products that we eat daily, soy oil can also be extracted. The soy sauce that we usually use is also soya bean, so we go around in our daily lives. Are filled with soybeans, but we did not find it.

Soybeans have high nutritional value, complete nutrition, and rich in protein. The protein contained in soybeans is a high-quality protein. The amino acid composition is similar to that of animal protein, and the proportion of amino acids contained is close to the proportion required by the human body. Easy Digested and absorbed by the body.

The nutritional content of 100 grams of soybeans is as follows:

Carbohydrates: 34.2 g, Protein: 35 g, Fat: 16 g, Dietary fiber: 15.5 g, Vitamin A: 37 μg, Vitamin E: 18.9 mg, Vitamin B1: 0.41 mg, Vitamin B2: 0.2 mg, Carotene: 220 Micrograms, nicotinic acid: 2.1 mg, potassium: 1503 mg, phosphorus: 465 mg, magnesium: 199 mg, calcium: 191 mg, iron: 8.2 mg, selenium: 6.16 μg, iodine: 9.7 μg, zinc: 3.34 mg, manganese: 2.26 mg, sodium: 2.2 mg, copper: 1.35 mg.


In addition to high-quality protein, soy also contains fat, and most of the fat is polyunsaturated fatty acids, then soy nutrition is so good, what effect do eat soybeans?

1. Lower blood lipids

The polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in soybeans are easily digested and absorbed by the body, thus preventing the body from absorbing cholesterol, thereby lowering blood lipids.

2. Lower blood pressure

Everyone knows that in daily life, if the diet is too heavy, eating too much brackish food can cause high blood pressure, and the main reason is that due to excessive intake of sodium, potassium is less, and soybeans contain large amounts of potassium. Eating soybeans can promote excess sodium excretion from the body, so for high sodium-induced hypertension, eating soy can help reduce blood pressure.

3. Antioxidant

Soybeans contain a substance called soya saponin. Soybean saponins have anti-oxidative effects and can eliminate free radicals in the human body. Therefore, soy beans can resist oxidation.

4. Beauty and Beauty

Soybeans contain a substance called soy isoflavones, soy isoflavones are phytoestrogens, and phytoestrogens stabilize hormonal disorders in women during menopause, and phytoestrogens can also improve the skin, thereby beauty and beauty.

5. Improve immunity

The level of human immunity is related to protein intake. When the protein intake is too low, the body's immunity will become lower. Soybeans contain a lot of high-quality protein and there is a saying of “plant meat”. Soybeans can boost immunity.


So the efficacy of soybeans is so good. Who should not eat soybeans?

1. Gastric ulcer, gastritis patient

Because the consumption of soy products, in the digestion time will stimulate excessive secretion of gastric acid, and there will be gas generated after digestion, can cause bloating, which leads to aggravate the condition.

2. Kidney function is not good, patients with kidney stones

People with poor kidney function diets are generally low in protein. Soybeans contain a large amount of protein, and oxalate in soybeans can bind to calcium in the kidneys to form stones, which further increases the burden on the kidneys. .

3. Gout patients

Patients with gout are due to high levels of uric acid in the body and should not eat foods containing large amounts of purines. Soybeans contain a large number of purines, so gout patients should not eat soy.

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