
Visit Blancpain Blancpain movement factory and Le Brassus top watchmaking workshop

Breaking the boundaries of watchmaking, and constantly improving the watch's sophisticated features are the Blancpain Blancpain eternal faith and the cornerstone of brand value. For this "founder of classical timepieces", with his unswerving belief in excellence in tabulation, adherence to "tradition and innovation", upholding the sincere and perfect unification of "faith and action", it has made it nearly three centuries Brilliant. From 2006 to 2014, the Blancpain Blancpain entered the new century. In only 9 years, a total of 32 new movements have been released. For example, the Qianlong Carrousel (the first and only contemporary watch of the National Palace Museum) , The Chinese calendar (the first watch with traditional Chinese calendar) and other amazing industry masterpieces, and continue to grow brand proud of the diving king Fifty 噚 series, continue to enrich the industry's largest and most complete moon phase family ... ... these proud legend, were born in the heart of the brand watch - Blancpain Blancpain movement factory and Le Brassus top watchmaking workshop.

Blancpain Blancpain movement factory

In the Swiss watch industry, the word "Manufacture" is used to describe a factory that can produce clocks completely independently, and to distinguish it from "atelier de terminage." The latter only engaged in the assembly of clocks, adjustment, pointer installation and placement case. Blancpain Blancpain is one of the very few brands in the world that can design, develop, manufacture, assemble, and sell (from A to Z) all of its own. In 2010, the FP Movement Factory (Frédéric Piguet), which is the same as Blancpain, officially changed its name to Blancpain Movement and joined the brand. The Blancpain movement factory in Le Sentier occupies a leading position in the design and production of advanced watch movements, bringing together the brand's R & D team and several workshops in which hundreds of employees develop, manufacture, assemble and test Unique timepiece.

From 2006 to 2014, the Blancpain Blancpain released a total of 32 new movements, including a long pursuit of simplicity, precision and performance, contains the absolute spirit of movement, widely used in the fifty series of self-winding movement Cal .1315, Cal.1150, a self-winding movement known for its ultrathin, magnificent construction and superb compatibility, has for the first time a globally unique vertical disc clutch mechanism that has been hailed as the world's thinnest , The most stable chronograph movement is also included Cal.1185, the preferred movement of many of the best watches, and Cal.242, a self-winding caliber that moves the long power to the single barrel for 12 days.

Despite the "mission" of these movements are different, but the birth of the process is no different: design, production, assembly, testing, production.

For Blancpain Blancpain, innovative technology is the driving force behind the development, so the R & D department is the nerve center for this innovative power. The first step beyond yourself is usually here.

Blancpain movement factory has a large-scale mold design and manufacturing department, can fully customize all the necessary molds, from design to research and development to manufacturing process integrity, unique in the industry. The processing of each mold needs a year and a half, the value of 30,000 -25 million Swiss francs, after several years of accumulation, the factory has more than 100,000 sets of molds to meet the processing and production of all parts needs.

Blancpain movement factory machining parts manufacturing workshop, advanced equipment, including the movement of each step of production. Workshop advanced CNC machine tools, machining centers, according to different needs, can be completed at one time dozens of processing action. Watchmakers are demanding about the accuracy of part dimensions and usually allow errors within a few tenths of a millimeter; at the same time, cleaning is done after each machining step is complete, and a movement needs to be done 20 Multiple cleaning. What happened here is enough to explain the creed of top watchmaking: "Perfection comes from the demanding of every step."

Before assembly, all parts will be handed over to Blancpain finishing experts. They use the magical skill to present art in the micro-world of watches.

Into the assembly shop, need to put on work clothes and shoe covers, to prevent dust. The work here is mainly done by hand and the watchmakers are more accurate than the machines. After each step of assembly requires rigorous testing. Test items include: lubrication, watch 6-way travel time precision test, simulation test.

Particularly noteworthy is that in Blancpain watchmaking kingdom, "legend" is not written completely "author" (those great movement developers) have the final say, "Blancpain Experiment Center" is Legendary winner. When a new movement is developed, it will be sent to the test center to carry out the most stringent tests. Only through a series of tests will we be able to announce the birth of this new movement. The so-called experimental center is the machine The detection of the core. Here, all parts of all newborn movements are subject to inspection, inspection, testing, aging and measurement to confirm that no unpleasant surprises will not occur after the approval is passed so as to disrupt the operation of the mechanism. All parts and features are carefully analyzed and tested, including the barrel, gears, escapement, winding crown, and other delicate fragile parts. The same testing standards should also apply to functionality, to the tiresome test, and to employ the brutal approach to assess the durability of these features. Tested functional areas include calendar, retrograde, large calendar, power reserve, self-winding system, carrousel, tourbillon. It's not too surprising to see the expensive tourbillons, each priced at up to $ 250,000, grossly violently treated here. Fearless sacrifice costs, in order to achieve the reliability of each product.

Le Brassus top watchmaking workshop

Compared to the modernization of Blancpain movement factory into a large-scale mode of production, Le Brassus's top watchmaking workshop is the continuation of the traditional tabulation methods, the brand's top craft pool room. Watchmakers in the workshop tirelessly creative, committed to the heritage of Swiss mechanical watchmaking technology and experience, make it flourish. Around the pasture, lush forests, so quiet and tranquil environment, so watchmaker to concentrate on work. They fully accept the uncertainty of the watchmaking process and sublimate it into an opportunity to embody the art of watchmaking.

As in the past, the watch was handcrafted by watchmakers gathered in this family-owned building. Top watch complex functions, such as tourbillon, Caruso, calendar, time equation, three questions are cast here; gold, micro-painted enamel, Damascus gold, precious stones inlay and other top craft also gathered under the same roof . The perfect combination of technology and craftsmanship has made Le Brassus' premier watchmaking industry a hub of the industry and Blancpain has thus become one of the few top brands that can do it all independently. Now, let's take a look at some of the important workshops.

-1735 Workshop

Launched in 1991 Blancpain Blancpain 1735 watch is still one of the most complicated watches in the history of watchmaking, bringing together the most sophisticated features - ultra-thin, triple repeater, tourbillon, calendar, moon phase and double Chronographs, in its classic case, its movement by a full 744 parts. In this studio, the two master watchmakers can only make a table a year, its degree of excellence is breathtaking.

- Polish the workshop

Workshops like polished and precision battlefield. Watchmakers use different materials of woodworking different chamfering tools to meet the precision requirements from 40 microns to 1 micron. It usually takes two hours for a small part to be polished and four hours or more for a little more complicated. For example, two parts of about 3 mm, the naked eye does not look the same, but after grinding, if you look under the microscope can be found a huge difference.

- Golden carving workshop

Le Brassus watchmaking workshop is also an important territory of the current Blancpain gold carving team, its both male and female gold carving division five-member lineup in the industry is rare. Carving division with all kinds of hand tools in the dial or plywood inch inch carved patterns and patterns, so as to give the watch works more expressive and personalized artistic style.

Golden Eagle studio leader can be described as legendary. In 2011, Blancpain Golden Eagle team leader was awarded the highest class masterpiece of the "Top French Handicraft" in the category of heraldic carvings. For a long time, more industry insiders have been able to recognize the importance of craftsmanship in keeping watchmaking traditions and have always been Blancpain's unrelenting efforts. Blancpain will inherit the legendary master's valuable experience as an important work mission, so that the traditional hand-made watchmaking skills can be revived.

In Le Brassus top watchmaking workshops, imparting an enduring quality to all watches by imparting watchmaking through conversations and exchange of opinions always puts the product at the top of the pyramid. In ensuring the quality of products at the same time, tabulation process can also be handed down from generation to generation, endless. The chief of the complex watchmaking workshop said, "Sharing knowledge, information, ideas and opinions within this small team can build trust, coherence and create a harmonious atmosphere, which undoubtedly helps ensure the final product quality."

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