
Think very fear! If the robot stocks violate regulations, how to control?

When you thought that AI could only play chess and play Texas Hold'em, a Silicon Valley company in the United States had let the artificial intelligence program take charge of the stock trades. It alleged that the profits had exceeded the internal indicators set by the company. Let the robot help you to stocks, and lie down to make money every minute. Does it sound cool? But how do you ensure that the robot stocks will not be biased? If the robot's decision involves violations, who should be punished by the regulatory authorities? Don't be surprised! AI stocks have precedents According to Xinhua News Agency quoted from Bloomberg News, a technology company called "sense" trained artificial intelligence systems to learn massive data, predict market trends, and engage in stock investment. The company said that the performance of the machines has exceeded the internal indicators they set, but did not disclose the specific content of the indicators. In fact, before this company, there were many precedents for robot stocks. In the financial field, intelligent investment is a representative of artificial intelligence. Since 2012, foreign intelligence investment and care has developed rapidly. According to a financial network previously reported, as of the end of 2015, the U.S. intelligent investment management assets have reached 50 billion U.S. dollars, including Betterment, Wealthfront, and Motif Investing. . In China, smart investment has become a new outlet. According to China Network, more than 20 Internet finance platforms and financial technology companies in China have launched smart investment advisory services. In addition to innovative companies, banking institutions have also started to innovate. curious! Artificial intelligence stocks how to operate? So how are these artificial intelligence stocks? According to the “Digital Asset Allocation Report” released by Tsinghua Finance Review, “Smart Investment Consulting” refers to a computer program system with artificial intelligence that builds a data model based on the customer’s financial needs through algorithms and products to complete the financial management that is traditionally provided by humans. Consultancy service. At present, smart investment and investment systems rely mainly on quantitative investment techniques and big data mining techniques, replacing artificial subjective judgments with mathematical models, and using computer technology to select a variety of “high probability” that can bring excess returns from huge historical data. "Events to formulate strategies to help investors make investment decisions, and then follow the set rules to implement trading strategies." However, the Xinhua News Agency reported that "sense" technology company has passed the entire investment decision-making process to the machine. Its approach is to use unique algorithms to create trillions of virtual traders known as "genes." After testing, bad "genes" have been eliminated and the "individual evolution" of artificial intelligence investment systems has been achieved. Then, through the test of good "genes" for real trading, the company's employees only need to set good time, return rate, risk index and other trading indicators, and the rest is left to the machine. Controversial, robot stocks fly it? For the use of artificial intelligence for stock trading, Co-founder of "Sense" Technology Co., Ltd. Babbock Hockett believes that human beings are too susceptible to emotional influence when trading stocks. "Humans are biased and will use emotions." Therefore, according to CCTV, many financial industry professionals in the United States believe that with the extensive use of big data technology and machine learning technology in recent years, artificial intelligence has the ability to surpass the knowledge and vision of design and development professionals. They can “contribute” new perceptions, and the area of ​​securities investment will therefore have revolutionary changes. They even believe that the era of "manual orders" will gradually become history. However, not all investors trust the machine. According to Xinhua, citing the opinion of Ledford, chief scientist of the British hedge fund Man Financial, that artificial intelligence investment should not be over-trusted, and the field is far from mature. Although there are all kinds of confusing promises, many investors' money is gone. Brainstorm, how to control artificial intelligence stocks? Although many people think that artificial intelligence will enter the financial sector, it is a general trend. However, if artificial intelligence is completely conducted autonomously, how to supervise the possible violations of laws and regulations will become a new topic. According to the author's article in the previous article, in the current regulatory laws and regulations, the main bodies to be supervised are mainly legal persons and natural persons. The development of artificial intelligence technology has caused a fundamental change in the ownership and management of securities investment accounts. It can be assumed that if a fund with only a large number of investors is controlled by artificial intelligence, the challenge faced by supervision is: investors believe that the account is not operated by any of them, the actual controller is not them; artificial intelligence service providers only provide intelligence. "Product" did not actually control the account. At this time, the regulatory authorities will have to face the issue of how to regulate "artificial intelligence" that is neither natural nor legal. In addition, a large number of investors employ the same high performing artificial intelligence to manage their account investments. Since the operating logic of the same smart agent is similar, these accounts are legally independent and unrelated, but the actual operation may be manifested as the phenomenon of “consistent action people”. The old question: Will robots replace humans? With the development of artificial intelligence, not only in stock trading, many industries are facing the impact of artificial intelligence, which also led to hot topics - robots will replace humans? According to a report in the Science and Technology Daily reported that experts from the World Economic Forum (WEF) said that due to the influence of artificial intelligence, by 2020, jobs may be about 7 million less than they are now; Cambridge University experts also warned that 20 years later, 39 % of people will be unemployed; futurologist Dick Peretti believes that by 2040, half of the world’s jobs will be borne by robots. The report also lists several jobs that will be replaced by robots, including: office employees and industrial workers, catering staff, pharmacists, bank tellers, and some lawyers. Even the industry in which reporters work seems to be in crisis. Southern Metropolis Daily launched the Xiao Nan, a robot for manuscript writing in January of this year. As early as 2015, Xinhua News Agency launched the robot employee “quick stroke”. Robots have replaced human work. What should humans do? According to WeChat public number “The country is the through train”, quoted from IBM’s Watson/M chief scientist Grady Booch’s point of view, robots have replaced some human work. Such replacements liberated people to engage in more valuable activities: to create, Go to life and love. However, according to a report by the China Youth Daily, the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) released a report that machine intelligence does not completely replace people, but instead partially replaces and increases efficiency. Employment opportunities that have not been replaced by machines will update their skill requirements – creating value in areas where smart machines and digital technologies are not yet available: such as high-tech, flexible handling and problem solving. Finally, if I tell you this article was written by a robot, do you believe it?

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