
Overseas purchase of the shortcomings, you all know?

Many people choose to go abroad to buy a watch. There is no clear concept of the actual difference between home and abroad. They simply think that foreign countries will be cheaper. In actual fact, the overseas purchase of watches is also there are many drawbacks, following the world of small table million million to give you some summary of what are the disadvantages of overseas purchase of the table?

No 1: superstition psychology

Since April 1, 2006, China formally introduced a tax on consumption tax on luxury goods. Involved in the watch category provides: the sales price of each type of watches in more than 10,000 yuan levy 20% consumption tax. In addition, the watch price also includes customs duties, import VAT and other taxes. On the surface, going abroad to buy a table can be exempt from these taxes, it seems a lot cheaper. In fact, really? For example, even if you did not go abroad, go to our country's Hong Kong, Maucao area to buy a table, transportation costs and the cost of eating and drinking are a lot, let alone go abroad, if you are on vacation Travel or business process can still consume, deliberately in order to buy a table and go a long way, in fact, you did not save money, but when you buy a relatively cheap table, you will feel very cost-effective, this is just a Psychological comfort only.

No 2: exchange rate problems

Foreign markets shopping, must use foreign currency. Exchange rate is not static, it is high and low. Many people like to go to Switzerland to buy a watch, but you know that the Swiss franc and the renminbi's price range in which to have a real cheap? So often changing the exchange rate is one of the trap of buying a watch.

No 3: Travel

Originally a watch is not like a daily necessities, not everyone can afford a watch, even if affordable, coupled with expensive travel expenses, you really get it cheap? If you want to go through the overseas shopping discount rate to Cover travel costs away, then you have to buy more expensive things ah? If your target watch is: Omega (non-precious metal material section), Cartier SOLO grade products, Chanel diamond J12 series, Longines, Mido, Tissot, Han Milton, Insaat, etc., there is no need to go abroad to buy, store promotions compared with your high travel costs, there is no real benefit.

No 4: Team Tour

Although Xiaobian did not go abroad to buy watch experience, but still with the group to travel, often, the tour guide will take you to some of his designated place, so with the group to buy the table is the same, the tour guide will take you to Some of the designated table row, because we all know, a trip out of travel shopping, do not buy you are not reconciled, the last heartbroken to buy, is already a table to choose you, not your choice of table.

No 5: Clerk introduction

Overseas purchase of watches, bear the brunt of the first you have to understand other languages; second, you have to be rational. Many people go to buy watches are directed at the big names to go, in fact, you really know this brand of watches it? Fortunately, a friend doing homework, but the bad news is that when you are ready to buy a budget, this I have to go to Europe to buy a lot of people, should choose the former. At this time you may not have bought what you originally wanted.

No 6: true and false difficult to distinguish

Really easy to deceive those who are half-fake conversion table, a little careless will be deceived, the reason why these imitation table has a very confusing, because their movement or case from the real table , Some conventional methods of identification can not be distinguished. There are some second-hand watches, of course, each country has the appropriate laws and regulations to punish these wrongdoings, but when you have returned to China only to find that you will go miles to claim compensation?

No 7: herd mentality

Do not know if you have any such experience, we go out shopping, you did not really need something, but the partners around have bought, you will follow to buy. This is because your psychological defense has dropped, or because of face to follow or secretly competition, in fact, the final benefit is the dealer, so that with the group to travel abroad, this atmosphere is particularly vulnerable to consumer rational, if that To buy a watch in China is relatively or relatively independent and it is your personal behavior that will not be easily affected.

No8: Hurry to choose

Xiaobian front also said that out of the country, can not buy the heart of the water meter is also possible, first, because the tour guide will take you to some designated table, you can not choose their favorite; but the scene out of stock, You are not willing to empty-handed, listening to the staff introduced to buy other tables. If you have a heart meter and did the homework accordingly, these factors make it worthless for you to do your homework before. Therefore, the hasty choice made the risk index of overseas purchased watches in vain.

No9: attractive discount

You have to know that any specialty stores or regular table counter discount can not be lower than the price of 50% off, if there is an ultra-low discount, then you have to be cautious, said cheap no good goods, a two-fold When folded, the table is certainly a fake or a big problem.

No10: Tax Refund

Hong Kong, as a free duty-free port, naturally has no problem with tax rebates. Go to Europe for consumption, if not EU citizens, do not have to bear the consumption tax of EU citizens. So when you leave the country have the right to receive your refund. However, there are tens of thousands of cases of Chinese people failing in the tax rebate each year. According to incomplete statistics, domestic consumers are receiving less than 60% of successful tax rebates in Europe. Therefore, when you want to refund your tax, you should make corresponding preparations. For example, if you arrive early at the airport, many people do not arrive early at the airport and then leave the country with more bags. You can easily give up. If you do not get a refund, can you get cheaper?

No11: Immigration

Earlier, maybe you can not get the EU tax rebate to you, but our customs duty is an obligatory obligation. Customs vary in the details of the implementation details and have a certain degree of easing towards personal luxury purchases abroad, but that does not mean that we can be tax-free.

No12: Maintenance

When you watch a few years after a problem, when the brand or dealer does not give watches purchased overseas to provide repair, how to do what you do? To get overseas maintenance? These are to be considered clearly The problem.

If you have considered the above questions clear, the world of Xiaobian million table where you buy has been indifferent, the key is to buy a real table, buy their own first want to watch, of course, can get the discount Better. (Text / million table world Zero)

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