
Herbal tea herbal tea can not be confused to drink tea medicine "In fact, medicine is not tea"

□ Correspondent Qian Lingling Intern Reporter Zhang Mengjie

Jinling Evening News reporter Zhu Jingjing

When the weather is hot, all kinds of drinks become popular. There is no shortage of herbal teas and herbal teas. However, Zhu Xinyi, an expert in traditional Chinese medicine at the Zonda University Hospital, told reporters that they recently met a lot of people who were “pathogenic” because of drinking tea. The reason was that drinking herbal tea and various herbal teas were inappropriate. What is even more surprising is that these beverages, which fall within the category of “beverages” in the eyes of the average person, may be in the category of “drugs” in the eyes of Chinese experts. Therefore, I am afraid I can't really drink it.

Herbal tea is strictly speaking Chinese medicine

Zhu Xinyi said that in fact, many people do not know that Chinese herbal tea is strictly speaking a drug rather than an ordinary tea. "Beverage tea made with Chinese medicine is called 'tea preparation' in Chinese medicine, and like the soup we are familiar with, it is considered to be an important dosage form of traditional Chinese medicine. It is just that we are familiar with the decoction and we are used to drinking tea as ordinary tea. Actually, This is inappropriate."

Nowadays, many people are accustomed to drinking herbal tea. With the growing popularity of the herbal tea market, various kinds of Chinese herbal medicines appear in various types of beverages. In this regard, Zhu Xinzheng said, "If it is a tea drink that everyone is familiar with, herbal medicines used are relatively mild, generally belong to medicine and food, their products are also completely in the ranks of food, there is not much taboo to drink. Although from the health point of view, we still recommend that people drink plenty of boiled water and drink less drinks, but this herbal tea is generally safe.”

However, if it is your own tea soaked with Chinese herbs, it should still be more cautious. Otherwise it may cause some unexpected problems.

Stomach pain and get angry are common symptoms of "tea tea disease"

Zhu Xinxuan met a number of patients with "medicine tea" some time ago. For example, there is a young woman, because she feels dry mouth and acne, consciously get angry, he bought a lot of herbal tea, but also bubble wild chrysanthemum tea. After a week of drinking, I felt that my stomach was full, my appetite was lacking, and sometimes my stomach diarrhea. In the eyes of experts in traditional Chinese medicine, she is a typical example of hurting the spleen and stomach.

“From the situation we met, because of improper drinking of herbal tea and herbal tea, people are mainly concentrated in two categories. One is herbal tea or cold tea, too much drinking, and the result is bitter cold and stomach injury, causing abdominal distension and diarrhea. , loss of appetite, Shenpi fatigue, lack of spirit and other side effects. Such as wild chrysanthemum, fat sea, cassia and other herbal tea, drink too much and it is easy to have these problems." Zhu Xin Yan said that the other is used too Many kinds of replenishing medicinal herbs, such as jujube, astragalus, longan and other medicinal materials, are beneficial to those who are physically weak and chilly, but if they are very healthy and even some people who are “hot” drink it every day. Most of them will get angry.

Zhu Xinyi said that before drinking Chinese herbal tea, you must know your physical condition. "Generally speaking, people who are physically weak and cold, such as the feeling of lack of energy and energy, are particularly afraid of cold but not too hot. If a person is cold, they can easily catch a cold. You can use some kind of tonic. Herbal medicine is used to make tea.” Conversely, if you are afraid of the heat, you are not afraid of cold, you can easily get acne, and people with short urine can use some cool herbs to make tea. In addition, children usually do not recommend drinking herbal tea and herbal tea, otherwise it is easy for the stomach to feel unbearable and cause discomfort; The elderly and the patient must also choose appropriate herbs according to their own physical conditions and basic disease conditions.

In addition, even if the herbal tea is symptomatic, it does not mean that you can drink it for a long time. "In general, solutions for detoxification, heat-clearing, and diarrhea are not suitable for long-term tea use. Jiufu can impair the righteousness of the body. Each person's physical condition changes constantly, so after a certain tea has been taken for some time, It must be adjusted according to your physical condition in order to avoid triggering new health problems."

Teabag material is wrong with careful poisoning

Zhu Xinzheng emphasized that the public should pay special attention to the fact that not all herbs are suitable for tea.

“There are many kinds of Chinese medicines, and they have a wide variety of sources. With different textures and tastes, some Chinese herbs can make tea, while others cannot. For example, American ginseng, longan, wolfberry fruit, tangerine peel, lotus seeds, ginger, chubby sea, mint, ebony, etc. You can make tea, and some Chinese medicines that are hard, bitter, and irritating cannot be used for tea," said Zhu Xinyi, especially if there are some Chinese herbal medicines, they are toxic and cannot be used casually. Tea. “For example, aconite, also known as aconite or attached tablet, where aconitine is toxic. The medicinal materials used in the clinical use of drugs are basically made specially, but if improper processing, excessive dose or boiling time is not correct , may still cause poisoning. This medicine must not be used to casually drink tea."

In addition, brewing Chinese medicine should also use the appropriate equipment, it is recommended to choose sand, ceramics, glass teapots, insulation cups can also be covered, but do not use copper, iron, aluminum and other metal appliances.

■ Extended reading

These herbs can try to soak a bubble

Ginseng, American ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, Eucommia ulmoides, Longan, Poria, Citrus, Senna, Rhubarb, Cassia, Lotus, Ginger, Sterculia lychnophora, Peppermint, Plum, Hawthorn, Perilla, Mangosteen, Green (Olive), Capillaris, Lysimachia, Fresh Perrin, Fresh Musk, Watermelon, Rhizoma Imperatae, Peach, Honeysuckle, Calendula, etc., all of which are lighter, milder, lighter in leaf, flowers, fruit, seeds, and fresh products. Suitable for tea drinking.

In general, herbs that are lighter and more easily soluble, and herbs that have more volatile components are also suitable for soaking, such as various flowers. However, Chinese medicine practitioners believe that tea agents treat scorching diseases, head and face diseases such as pharyngitis. In addition, when making tea, you should pay attention to the pieces that are prepared after the standard concoction, and some of them must even cut thin slices. The Chinese traditional Chinese medicines such as Mangosteen, green fruit, etc. must be broken to make tea.

These herbs are not recommended for foaming

Hard, bitter, poisonous, and irritating Chinese herbs such as turtle shells, berberine, aconite, and yam are not suitable for tea use.


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